If WULFGAR game is annoying due to its constant audio please let me know


si el juego de WULFGAR los aturde por su audio constante por favor háganmelo saber

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Pagan Reign [RUS] - Уделы Былой Веры (Destinies Of Bygone Faith) [2004]

Saturday, April 26, 2008



01 - Первые Стрелы На Поле Битвы (First Arrows On A Battlefield)
02 - Радегаст (Radegast)
03 - Праведный Бой (Righteous Battle)
04 - Уделы Былой Веры (Destinies Of Bygone Faith)
05 - Гнев Славянских Богов (Anger Of The Slavonic Gods)
06 - В Объятиях Зимы (In Winter Embraces)
07 - Метель (Snow Storm)
08 - Былина О Святославе (Bylina About Sviatoslav)
09 - Разгулялось Красно Солнышко (Get Going Gorgeous Sunshine)
10 - Славянское Братство (Slavonian Brotherhood)

The third album. I really took a hard time labelling all albums so I hope they'll get at least 1 download. It would be even better if you comment on them.


El tercer album. Realmente me costó mucho trabajo etiquetar todos los albums así que espero que por lo menos los bajen una vez. Sería aún mejor que comentaran sobre ellos.



Anonymous said...

thanks for putting this up for download!