If WULFGAR game is annoying due to its constant audio please let me know


si el juego de WULFGAR los aturde por su audio constante por favor háganmelo saber

Search Results / Resultados de Búsqueda

Рарогъ [RUS] - Азъ бога ведаю (Az, The God I Know) [2005]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009



01 - Сказание первое (First Legend)
02 - Первая битва (The First Fight)
03 - Сказание второе (Second Legend)
04 - Скипер-Зверь (Skiper-Animal)
05 - Сказание третье (Third Legend)
06 - Спасение Перуна (Perun's Rescue)
07 - Сказание четвертое (Fourth Legend)
08 - Смерть Зверя Скипера (The Death Of Animal-Skiper)
09 - Сказание пятое (Fifth Legend)
10 - Коляда (Kolyada)

The only album Rarog has so far. There's another Russian band called Rarog which has two demos or something, they play Black Metal. This band is NOT it.


El único album que tiene Rarog hasta ahora. Hay otra banda rusa con el mismo nombre la cual tiene dos demos o algo así, tocan black metal. Esta bando NO ES esa.



hurricane_mario said...

thanks for the english translations, fixed my tags.. this is great stuff!